
How avrit learning solves our education puzzle?

Girls education

According to UNICEF:

When we invest in girls’ secondary education

  • The lifetime earnings of girls dramatically increase
  • National growth rates rise
  • Child marriage rates decline
  • Child mortality rates fall
  • Maternal mortality rates fall
  • Child stunting drops

Poor families have more willingness to invest in boys education rather than girls education because girls can’t contribute to parents family earnings, as they will get married and move to their husbands home.  


In India, the concern is not just about bullying by classmates or seniors, but sometimes teachers act like a bully. Sometimes teacher goes to extreme steps like hanging the student upside down from the building as a form of punishment. Children can suffer emotionally due to the power game of the management and teacher.

Emotional Intelligence

Metal health has become a pandemic. Children with high emotional intelligence reduce stress, take responsibility for their actions, treat friends and family members with empathy and compassion.  


Education develops skills and abilities to earn a living. Not everyone who is uneducated is in extreme poverty, but those living in extreme poverty do lack basic education. 

Biases and stereotypes

For example, Girls are good at biology and boys are good at maths. We always have a tendency or prejudice toward or against something or someone. With proper scientific education, we can make better decisions and fall less towards biases. 


Our education system is designed as a scarce resource. Quality education doesn’t scale, as a result, we have limited seats, which leads to the reservation for lower caste to give them a chance for upliftment. 

Costly education

Higher education is costly, many go to higher education by taking loans or quit from their education as they can’t afford it. 


Though competition keeps our focus on our goal, many times it turns toxic for grades that leads to “teaching to test” type of education. Thousands of students end their lives every year in India due to the toxic competition culture. 

Outdated syllabus

Due to the centralized and bureaucratic nature of education, it’s so difficult to update the curriculum as no one is accountable for it and the curriculum is not updated for many decades. 


We have an education where 80% of engineers are unemployable in India. They lack the knowledge of new-edge technology that is needed for jobs.

Child Labour

A total of 152 million children – 64 million girls and 88 million boys – are estimated to be in child labour globally, accounting for almost one in ten of all children worldwide. In India Census 2011, the total child population in India in the age group (5-14) years is 259.6 million. Of these, 10.1 million (3.9% of total child population) are working, either as ‘main worker’ or as ‘marginal worker’.
We can eliminate child labor providing income for learning.

So, how can Avrit solve these problems?

A decentralized platform for earning by designing and reviewing the study material or content, assignments, projects, practicals, and assessments.

Avrit has evidence of learning as explainer videos. Instead of the teacher, the student will explain. The explainer script can be prepared by the teacher with the student’s collaboration. Explainer script must meet the review guidelines and can be in both English and the native language, making sure the student has understood whatever they are saying. As students do the work, they participate in active learning and there is an increase in engagement. Making explainer videos has so many benefits, it works on multiple skills like critical thinking, improving their vocabulary, communication skills, and comprehension.

Making explainer videos can be hectic for both teachers and students because it causes repetition of work and slows down the process. But repetition and slowing down causes brain to exercise which is key to comprehension and learning. Students engage actively rather than becoming passive listeners of lecture and don’t get bored by learning. But it’s a one time work for teacher, because explainer script can be used again and again among the students.

Evidence of learning is not limited to explainer videos, it can be anything like practice assignments, real-world projects, or volunteering work like making the neighborhood garbage free.

All are validated by Schelling game, so there is minimal chance of corruption.

It’s based on the competition collaboration algorithm:

When you upload your evidence of learning based on meeting the guidelines of avrit learning by staking, and no one challenges it, you earn 1 AVRIT token. 

The apps like proof of humanity have proved that you can earn passive income just by validating that you are a real human.

Here, in Avrit learning, your evidence of learning is validated and you earn an income. 

As it’s decentralized in nature and you earn for learning, girls’ education will not be a problem. It will be run by the local community with few students in a group, so chances of bullying are rare. The curriculum will be up to date due to the evidence-based learning strategy guidelines and due to the competition collaboration algorithm. Here teachers have the responsibility to update the curriculum by learning from other teachers rather than any central bureaucratic authority. We can also have teachers’ governance that will provide recommendations for curriculum, learning content, and best practices. 

Quality education is no more a scarce resource and is scalable, so reservation is unnecessary, students are evaluated by evidence of learning, which also makes grades unnecessary. 

It’s all open-source, and as it’s on the blockchain, it’s not owned by anybody, so no predatory practices by some private ed-tech company. 

The only problem we need the execution, where govts, NGOs and edupreneurs can come together for building learning hubs.

Can Avrit protocol be called homeschooling?
Homeschooling is the education of school-aged children at home or a variety of places other than a school. Its depends on definition of homeschooling. You can set up avrit centers or avrit learning hubs at your home, or neighbor’s homes, but also in school like building, or in school itself. We do require an educated tutor for educating the children. It’s about self-managed, decentralized schooling without power games, private or government ownership of schools, but rather, public ownership. Avrit protocol is not limited to school-aged children but also for college going adults.

Can Avrit schooling be misused to provide religious teaching to children by parents?
Avrit protocol can be run by decentralized governance, and evidence of learning is evaluated collectively, and protected by game theory. So, it’s hardly possible to do such things.

Will it disadvantage the poor? Is it sustainable?
Avrit protocol has its own cryptocurrency token with robust token economics and can be further improved. With the increase in popularity, the market cap of the token will rise, a market cap of $1 Billion can provide about 10-100 Million funds per year for students and teachers.

Is it experimental or lack evidence?
Self-managed organizations are not experimental. You can go through the book about teal organizations in the book (Link) for more details.

Avrit protocol is based on already existing evidence. The platform can also help in running experiments and demonstrating its validation. It’s still in active development, and there is always a scope for improvement.

Does it mean deregulation of the education system?

It will limit the power of centralized governments and bureaucracy. Being on crypto or blockchain doesn’t mean there are no rules and regulations. It will function under the purview of decentralized governance and rules of the smart contract.

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